
878 B

0.2.0 - 2015/02/03

  • Divide the big script in tiny ones with only one type of information to display.
  • Automatically display the Motd upon successful login.
  • Create the "update-motd.d" to use the dynamic MOTD generation.
  • Make tiny scripts to monitore services, system/file systems/user/auth informations and put them in "update-motd.d".
  • Add new services monitoring (processes and sockets).
  • Edit script's name: an underscore (_) in the name prevent the script to runs.
  • Add a template to manage the static motd (/etc/motd).
  • Rename the ::config class into ::install, because it's provide and install everything to have dynamic Motd.
  • Edit the README.md.

0.1.0 - 2015/01/23

Initial release.

  • Provide a script which print a Motd