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Table of Contents

  1. Post installation script for Debian Sid

Script to complete the installation of Debian Sid on my laptop.


  • You just have to use the template file to specify your own informations:
cp informations.template informations
vi informations
  • Then run the script:


Apt configuration

apt.conf files
  • Use apt.conf.d directory from git repository to provide additionnal configurations such as:
    • Update package lists every day.
    • Dowload upgradeable packages every day.
    • Automatically clean dowloaded packages every week
    • Set the default Debian version to Sid/Unstable.
    • … see apt/apt.conf.d/ files.
preferences files
  • Use apt/preferences.d directory from git repository to provide the preferences.d system directory.
  • Default preferences: Sid < Stretch < Stable < Old-stable < Experimental
  • Iceweasel/Icedove preferences: Experimental
sources-list files
  • Use sources-list.d directory from git repository to provide the sources-list.d system directory.
  • Add Wheezy (official + backports), Jessie (official + backports), Stretch (official), Sid (official + multimedia) and Experimental (official) repositories.

X11 Server

  • Load x11-common seed file that allows anybody to run the X server.
  • mesa-utils: Provides several utilities built by Mesa (glxinfo, glxgears, …).
  • xorg: Provides the X librairies, an X server, … for a standalone workstation running the X Window System.

Graphic Environment

  • gtk2-engines-cleanice: Contains theme engine and 3 themes for GTK.
  • herbstluftwm: Manual tiling window manager for X11.
  • i3lock: Simple screen locker.
  • lxappearance: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher.
  • nitrogen: Wallpaper browser and changing utility.
    • Easy to manage multi-screen.
  • redshift: Adjusts the color temperature of your screen.
  • rofi: Can act as an application launcher, window switcher, ssh launcher and dmenu replacement.
  • roxterm: Multi-tabbed GTK+/VTE terminal emulator.
  • scrot: Command line SCReen shOT utility (screen capture).
  • suckless-tools: Simple commands for minimalistic window managers.
  • terminator: Multiple GNOME terminals in one window.
  • wmctrl: Command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager.
  • xbacklight: Simple utility to set the backlight level.
  • xclip: Command line interface to X selections/clipboard.
    • Used with VIM to copy the vim-selection into X11 buffer.
  • Sometimes automatically installed with GUI packages:
    • xscreensaver
    • xscreensaver-data

System tools for shell

  • bluetooth packages (bluetooth, bluez)
  • Disable Openvpn service.
    • Useful in case of many configuration files. A default vpn is launch by "post-up" instruction in '/etc/network/interfaces' file:
allow-hotplug enp0s25
iface enp0s25 inet dhcp
  post-up openvpn /etc/openvpn/XYZ_tunnel.conf
  • Modprobe
    • Disable the annoying console beeps
    • Ensure to disable dangerous modules such as firewire, thunderbolt, …
  • Grub
    • Add the possibility to set the GRUB_TIMEOUT

Network share

  • keychain
  • knockd : small port-knock daemon.
  • nfs-common : NFS client. Useful network protocol for sharing between linux OS.
  • openssh-server : Secure SHell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines.
  • nfs-kernel-server : NFS server. Useful network protocol for sharing between linux OS.
  • samba : SMB/CIFS file, print and login server for Unix. One of the only Windows compatible protocole.
  • Disable nfs-kernel-server service if still available.
  • Disable all samba service if still availables.

Internet tools for shell

  • axel
    • Light command line download accelerator.
  • finch
    • Instant messaging client in ncurses.
  • postfix
    • High-performance mail transport agent.
  • weechat
    • Fast, light and extensible chat client.
  • Ensure to forward root's mail to new user email address.

Office tools for shell

  • cups
    • Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD/driver support, web interface.
  • devtodo
    • Manipulate and display a hierarchical and prioritised list of tasks.
  • graphviz
    • Rich set of graph drawing tools.
  • imagemagick
    • ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats.
  • imagemagick-doc
    • Document files of ImageMagick.
  • odt2txt
    • Simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text.
    • Used with lesspipe for example.
  • pdftk
    • PDFtk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents.
  • texlive
    • A decent selection of the TeX Live packages
  • texlive-latex-extra
    • A very large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
  • vim-latexsuite
    • View, edit and compile LaTeX documents from within Vim.
    • Activation in vim:
vim-addons install latex-suite
  • avahi-daemon
    • Avahi allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration.
  • cups-browsed
    • Browses the Bonjour broadcasts of shared remote CUPS printers and makes the printers available locally.
  • Add the standard user to lpadmin group to be able to manage Cups administration via webgui.

Desktop tools for X11


Manpages - Documentation

  • info package