
65 lines
2.5 KiB

# == Class: xymon::params
class xymon::params {
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
## Client
# Package
$cli_download_dir = '/opt/xymon/packages'
$cli_download_url = undef
$cli_new_version = '4.3.17'
$cli_package_name = undef
$cli_pkg_ensure = 'present'
$cli_pkg_provider = 'dpkg'
# Service
$cli_service_enabled = true
$cli_service_managed = true
$cli_service_name = 'xymon-client'
$cli_service_default_path = '/etc/default/xymon-client'
$cli_service_default_tpl = 'xymon/client/default.service.erb'
$cli_service_path = '/etc/init.d/xymon-client'
$cli_service_tpl = 'xymon/client/xymon-client.deb_service.erb'
# Configuration
$cli_main_cfg_path = '/etc/xymon/xymonclient.cfg'
$cli_main_cfg_tpl = 'xymon/client/xymonclient.cfg.erb'
$list_server = [ '' ]
## Plugin
# Package
$plugin_download_url = undef
$plugin_pkg_name = 'hobbit-plugins'
$plugin_pkg_source = 'puppet:///modules/xymon/client/hobbit-plugins_20141201_all_gardouille.deb'
$plugin_pkg_ensure = 'present'
$plugin_pkg_provider = 'dpkg'
$plugin_sug_pkg_name = [ 'dctrl-tools', 'libsort-naturally-perl', 'libyaml-tiny-perl', 'lsb-release', 'lsof', 'debsums', 'fping', 'liblist-moreutils-perl', 'libsysadm-install-perl', 'libtimedate-perl', 'dphys-config' ]
# Configuration
$cli_apt_accept_path = '/etc/xymon/apt_no_repo_accept'
$cli_apt_accept_tpl = 'xymon/client/apt_no_repo_accept.erb'
## Server
# Package
$srv_dep_pkg_name = [ 'debconf', 'libc-ares2', 'libc6', 'libldap-2.4-2', 'libpng12-0', 'librrd4', 'libssl1.0.0', 'perl' ]
$srv_download_dir = '/opt/xymon/packages'
$srv_download_url = undef
$srv_new_version = '4.3.17'
$srv_package_name = undef
$srv_pkg_ensure = 'present'
$srv_pkg_provider = 'dpkg'
# Service
$srv_service_enabled = true
$srv_service_managed = true
$srv_service_name = 'xymon'
# If the server subclass should manage the client one
$manage_client = true
default: {
fail('This Puppet module has been tested only on Debian OS family.')
} # Private class: xymon::params