Puppet module to install Proxmox 4
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2017-02-14 09:04:05 +01:00
lib/facter * Remove OpenVZ CT management. 2015-12-11 09:23:46 +01:00
manifests Upgrade to pve-kernel-4.4.35-2-pve 2017-02-14 08:48:17 +01:00
spec Correct URL and module name in doc files 2017-02-14 09:04:05 +01:00
templates/hypervisor Correct URL and module name in doc files 2017-02-14 09:04:05 +01:00
tests Correct URL and module name in doc files 2017-02-14 09:04:05 +01:00
CHANGELOG.md Upgrade to pve-kernel-4.4.35-2-pve 2017-02-14 08:48:17 +01:00
Gemfile Start from the previous Proxmox Puppet module: 2015-12-10 10:03:08 +01:00
metadata.json Correct URL and module name in doc files 2017-02-14 09:04:05 +01:00
Rakefile Start from the previous Proxmox Puppet module: 2015-12-10 10:03:08 +01:00
README.md Correct URL and module name in doc files 2017-02-14 09:04:05 +01:00


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Reference
  6. Other notes
  7. Limitations
  8. Development
  9. License


The proxmox module provide a simple way to manage Proxmox hypervisor configuration with Puppet.

Module Description

The proxmox module automates installing Proxmox on Debian systems.


What Proxmox affects:

  • Package/service/configuration files for Proxmox.
  • A new sources.list file for Proxmox.
  • Proxmox's cluster (master and nodes).
  • System repository
  • The static table lookup for hostnames hosts.
  • Users and group permissions for WebGUI.
  • WebGUI's service (pveproxy).
  • Kernel modules loaded at the boot time.

Beginning with Proxmox

To begin using proxmox module with default parameters, declare the hypervisor's class with include proxmox4::hypervisor.



include proxmox4::hypervisor

Note: The module will NOT automatically reboot the system on the PVE Kernel. You will need to reboot it manually and start again the puppet agent.

Install a new hypervisor

To install Proxmox with the default parameters:

class { 'proxmox4::hypervisor':

Disable additionnal modules

Disable all additionnal modules load at the boot time:

class { 'proxmox4::hypervisor':
  pve_modules_list => [ '' ],

Create a cluster full (for Ceph)

node "pve_node" {
  # Install an hypervisor
  class { 'proxmox4::hypervisor':
    pveproxy_allow    => ',',
    cluster_master_ip => '',
    cluster_name      => 'DeepThought',
  # Access to PVE Webgui
  proxmox4::hypervisor::group { 'sysadmin': role => "Administrator", users => [ 'marvin@pam', 'arthur@pam' ] }

  # SSH authorized keys between all nodes without passphrase (the module generate a key if not present)
  ssh_authorized_key { 'hyper01':
    ensure  => present,
    key     => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQxnLaBlnujnByt3V7YLZv1+PTjREJ3hphZFdCVNs9ebED55/kEAPmtJzcq2OL7qk8PajvhpB7efuZAatKeCdhILpFBKRrCo/q3MsQUSyaHbrGKs8Kkpz0EBHp1Tgpd8i1+kF1EzVPqT/euNcI6cA3fyMrvdgTI25BwFt93A6bBpf4We7A0l0Ba2nCAs5ekWyKKLh54GO7KBHlMmIzboYpxwgnFcbb9UhuyUz2J6PSC0K+P+hdMXY4dFk/lPMEXLgve/TTPYpgDxgxWMUaobCanwBWcXkZ4MdJw2Qs6TQ0v+cOxX3ogr78w69naGB3joJ4ll31WA+Uo0mcZU3ylFj3',
    type    => 'ssh-rsa',
    user    => 'root',
    options => 'from=""',
  ssh_authorized_key { 'hyper02':
    ensure  => present,
    key     => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCxJeQ1R1rhPoig4jZLA8/Haru3nhVMgvDgO7nIqpwuPkDrheINVHOAd+DyQF0I2MtAjzg9gKfyix/cJ0cWMbd6/FdSVJ39dGYtNG9/YwTBcQiYwT0xS4NgJHzKrYE9PH2HEmjTmzcDeZ/u+IZjhO3Kyy9yZKcOhwV6fD+mzjQb4S2zsy67R/aoySbZjuoZYHrBrfjc66WbPbLtsFXIXuk46N376Y5sX37Bj17HhDEdP/lc9v939SswW1RZ2t1mVAjsMdsyBULDZk5av6Uj//YT1KuZBmBWkp7nPp1yt2ANPPGAnEW3oYjzXJd56Xtf3d0nbHOdHvMmIiV9fZyRUATd',
    type    => 'ssh-rsa',
    user    => 'root',
    options => 'from=""',

  # Verify the authenticity of each hosts (/etc/ssh/ssh_host_{rsa,ecdsa}_key.pub)
  sshkey { 'hyper01':
    ensure       => present,
    host_aliases => [ 'hyper01.domain.org', '' ],
    key          => 'AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJ3TC6B3+eVbohjk662FwM/1YUCjMwMT9lmZcNcfllF9Vm082lMXtKix20elUCK9yJDpPWvzFiqdyhgqPAeCNt4=',
    target       => '/root/.ssh/known_hosts',
    type         => 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256',
   sshkey { 'hyper02':
     ensure       => present,
     host_aliases => [ 'hyper02.domain.org', '' ],
     key          => 'AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEqUpnig3DIQVZEr3LxJCVEF/fl4n1s8LNuUUaLRueCW2ygzNBOv2m7O42K/Ok7aa4kjGaXbnneYXMw3wBULJ1U='
     target       => '/root/.ssh/known_hosts',
     type         => 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256',

  # If you don't have a DNS service, i recommend to have an entry for each nodes in the hosts file
  host { 'hyper01':
    name         => "hyper01.${::domain}",
    ensure       => present,
    ip           => '',
    host_aliases => 'hyper01',
  host { 'hyper02':
    name         => "hyper02.${::domain}",
    ensure       => present,
    ip           => '',
    host_aliases => 'hyper02',

node /hyper0[12]/ inherits "pve_node" {


Will create a Cluster Proxmox with name "Deepthought", the master will be "hyper01". You also can manage all ssh ressources (and host) manually on each nodes.



  • proxmox: Main class, do nothing right now.

  • proxmox4::hypervisor: Install the Proxmox hypervisor on the system.

Defined types

  • proxmox4::hypervisor::group: Manage groups for Proxmox WebGUI and set permissions.
proxmox4::hypervisor::group { 'sysadmin':
  role  => "Administrator",
  users => [ 'user1@pam', 'toto@pve' ],
  • proxmox4::hypervisor::user: Manage user for Proxmox WebGUI.
proxmox4::hypervisor::user { 'marvin':
  group => 'sysadmin',

Mainly used by the proxmox4::hypervisor::group defined type to create the group, permissions and also create/add the users to a group. Because to add a user to a group via this defined type, the group should already exist.



  • ve_pkg_ensure: What to set the Virtual Environnment package to. Can be 'present', 'absent' or 'version'. Defaults to 'present'.
  • ve_pkg_name: The list of VirtualEnvironnment packages. Can be an array [ 'proxmox-ve', 'ksm-control-daemon', 'open-iscsi', 'pve-firmware' ].
  • kernel_pkg_name: The list of packages to install the new PVE kernel. Can be an array [ 'pve-kernel-4.4.13-2-pve', '...' ].
  • rec_pkg_name: The list of recommended and usefull packages for Proxmox. Can be an array [ 'bridge-utils', 'lvm2', 'ntp', 'postfix', 'ssh' ].
  • old_pkg_ensure: What to set useless packages (non recommended, previous kernel, ...). Can be 'present' or 'absent'. Defaults to 'absent'.
  • old_pkg_name: The list of useless packages. Can be an array [ 'acpid', 'linux-image-amd64', 'linux-base', 'linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64' ].
  • pve_enterprise_repo_ensure: Choose to keep the PVE enterprise repository. Can be 'present' or 'absent'. Defaults to 'absent'.
  • pveproxy_default_path: Path of the configuration file read by the PveProxy service. Defaults to '/etc/default/pveproxy'.
  • pveproxy_default_content: Template file use to generate the previous configuration file. Default to 'proxmox4/hypervisor/pveproxy_default.erb'.
  • pveproxy_allow: Can be ip addresses, range or network; separated by a comma (example: ','). Defaults to ''.
  • pveproxy_deny: Unauthorized IP addresses. Can be 'all' or ip addresses, range or network; separated by a comma. Defaults to 'all'.
  • pveproxy_policy: The policy access. Can be 'allow' or 'deny'. Defaults to 'deny'.
  • pveproxy_service_name: WebGUI's service name (replace Apache2 since v3.0). Defaults to 'pveproxy'.
  • pveproxy_service_manage: If set to 'true', Puppet will manage the WebGUI's service. Can be 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.
  • pveproxy_service_enabled: If set to 'true', Puppet will ensure the WebGUI's service is running. Can be 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.
  • pve_modules_list: The list of additionnal modules to load at boot time.
  • pve_modules_file_path: The configuration file that will contain the modules list. Defaults to '/etc/modules-load.d/proxmox.conf'.
  • pve_modules_file_content: Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Defaults to 'proxmox4/hypervisor/proxmox_modules.conf.erb'.
  • pve_lvm_delay: If set to 'true', it will add a initramfs-tools script toto ensure a good detection of all LVM. Can be 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.
  • init_lvm_script_path: Path of the initramfs-tools script to ensure a good detection of all LVM at startup. Defaults to '/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/lvm-manual'.
  • init_lvm_script_content: Temple file use to generate the previous configuration file. Default to 'proxmox4/hypervisor/initramfs-lvm-manual.erb'.
  • labs_firewall_rule: If set to 'true', Puppet will set a iptable rule to allow WebGUI and VNC's port access. Can be 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'false'.
  • cluster_master_ip: The ip address of the "master" node that will create the cluster. Must be an IP address. Defaults to 'undef'.
  • cluster_name: The cluster's name. Defaults to 'undef'.

Other notes

By default proxmox4::hypervisor comes with several modules kernel load at boot time. Mainly iptables's modules to allow it in the CT.

The default modules list:

  • iptable_filter
  • iptable_mangle
  • iptable_nat
  • ipt_length (=xt_length)
  • ipt_limit (=xt_limit)
  • ipt_LOG
  • ipt_multiport (=xt_multiport)
  • ipt_owner (=xt_owner)
  • ipt_recent (=xt_recent)
  • ipt_REDIRECT
  • ipt_REJECT
  • ipt_state (=xt_state)
  • ipt_TCPMSS (=xt_TCPMSS)
  • ipt_tcpmss (=xt_tcpmss)
  • ipt_TOS
  • ipt_tos
  • ip_conntrack (=nf_conntrack)
  • ip_nat_ftp (=nf_nat_ftp)
  • xt_iprange
  • xt_comment
  • ip6table_filter
  • ip6table_mangle
  • ip6t_REJECT'

See hypervisor usage if you want to disable it or parameters if you want to edit this list.


This module will only work on Debian 8.x versions.


Free to send contributions, fork it, ...


WTFPL (http://wtfpl.org/)