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# == Class: proxmox::params
class proxmox::params {
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
if $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '7.0') >= 0 {
# Virtual Environment packages
$ve_pkg_ensure = 'present'
$ve_pkg_name = [ 'proxmox-ve-2.6.32', 'ksm-control-daemon', 'vzprocps', 'open-iscsi', 'bootlogd', 'pve-firmware' ]
# PVE Kernel
$kvm_only = false
$kernel_kvm_pkg_name = [ 'pve-kernel-3.10.0-5-pve' ]
$kernel_pkg_name = [ 'pve-kernel-2.6.32-34-pve' ]
# Recommended packages
$rec_pkg_name = [ 'ntp', 'ssh', 'lvm2', 'bridge-utils' ]
# Old useless packages
$old_pkg_ensure = 'absent'
$old_pkg_name = [ 'acpid', 'linux-image-amd64', 'linux-base', 'linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64' ]
# Manage PVE Enterprise repository (need a subscription)
$pve_enterprise_repo_ensure = 'absent'
# Pveproxy access restriction
$pveproxy_default_path = '/etc/default/pveproxy'
$pveproxy_default_content = 'proxmox/hypervisor/pveproxy_default.erb'
$pveproxy_allow = ''
$pveproxy_deny = 'all'
$pveproxy_policy = 'allow'
$pveproxy_service_name = 'pveproxy'
$pveproxy_service_manage = true
$pveproxy_service_enabled = true
# Manage additionnals modules
$pve_modules_list = [ 'xt_iprange', 'xt_comment' ]
$pve_modules_file_path = '/etc/modules-load.d/proxmox.conf'
$pve_modules_file_content = 'proxmox/hypervisor/proxmox_modules.conf.erb'
# Firewall
$labs_firewall_rule = false
## VM - OpenVZ
# Network
$vm_interfaces_path = '/etc/network/interfaces'
$vm_interfaces_content = 'proxmox/vm/openzv_interfaces.erb'
$vm_interfaces_tail_path = '/etc/network/interfaces.tail'
$vm_interfaces_tail_content = 'proxmox/vm/openzv_interfaces.tail.erb'
$network_service_name = 'networking'
$network_service_manage = true
$network_service_enabled = true
default: {
fail("Proxmox Virtual Environment only works with Debian system; And the OpenVZ configuration has been tested only with Debian; So osfamily (${::osfamily}) or lsbdistid (${::lsbdistid}) is unsupported")
} # Private class: proxmox::params