# proxmox ## Overview The proxmox module (will) provide a simple way to manage Proxmox hypervisor and it's virtual machines (KVM/OpenVZ) with Puppet. ## Module Description The proxmox module automates installing Proxmox on Debian systems. ## Setup ### What proxmox affects: * Package/service/configuration files for Proxmox * A new `sources.list` file for Proxmox * System repository * The static table lookup for hostnames `hosts` ### Beginning with proxmox To begin using proxmox module with default parameters, declare the hypervisor's class with `include proxmox::hypervisor`. ## Usage ### Hypervisor ``` class { 'proxmox::hypervisor': } ``` **Note**: The module will automatically reboot the system on the PVE Kernel. You will need to start again the puppet agent. ### VM ... ## Reference ### Classes * `proxmox`: Main class, do nothing right now. * `proxmox::hypervisor`: Install the Proxmox hypervisor on the system. Limitations ----------- This module will work only on Debian 7.x versions. Development ----------- Free to send contributions, fork it, ... License ------- WTFPL (http://wtfpl.org/)