# == Class: proxmox::hypervisor::preconfig # # Before installing Proxmox some modifications have to be applied on the system # class proxmox::hypervisor::preconfig { File { owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, } # Hostname should be resolvable via /etc/hosts #/files/etc/hosts/2 #/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr = "214.938.839.123" #/files/etc/hosts/2/canonical = "hypervisor.domain.tld" #/files/etc/hosts/2/alias[1] = "hypervisor" #/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr = "" #/files/etc/hosts/1/canonical = "localhost" augeas { "${::fqdn}": context => "/files/etc/hosts", changes => [ #"ins ipaddr ${::ipaddress}", "set 02/ipaddr ${::ipaddress}", "set *[ipaddr = '${::ipaddress}']/canonical ${::fqdn}", "set *[ipaddr = '${::ipaddress}']/alias[1] $hostname", "set *[ipaddr = '']/canonical localhost", "rm *[ipaddr = '']", ], onlyif => "match *[ipaddr = '${::ipaddress}'] size == 0", } -> # Remove Enterprise repository (need a subscription) file { '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list': ensure => absent, } -> # Add the standard repository (~community) apt::source {'proxmox': ensure => present, location => 'http://download.proxmox.com/debian', release => $::lsbdistcodename, repos => 'pve-no-subscription', include_src => false, key => '9887F95A', key_server => 'keyserver.ubuntu.com', } # Set the grub default to saved to be able to use grub-set-default during # the installation if ! defined(Augeas["grub_default"]) { augeas { 'grub_default': context => '/files/etc/default/grub', changes => [ 'set GRUB_DEFAULT saved', ], } } } # Private class: proxmox::hypervisor::preconfig