--------------------------------------- ### 0.2.3 - 2015/06/01 ##### Features * New fact is_pve_kernel check if the running kernel is a PVE. ##### Changes * Some installation's instructions only run if running a PVE kernel (test the new is_pve_kernel fact). * Use the stdlib function 'ensure_packages' to install recommended packages instead of 'if ! defined'. * Upgrade pve-kernel-3.10.0-9-pve and pve-kernel-2.6.32-39 to the last version. * Correct puppet-lint warnings. ##### Bugfixes * #14 The module no longer automatically reboot nodes after kernel upgrade, show a warning message instead. --------------------------------------- ### 0.2.2 - 2015/03/25 ##### Features * A new subclass to automates the creation of a cluster from the master and join from other nodes. ##### Changes * Update README.md. * Upgrade pve-kernel-3.10.0-8-pve and pve-kernel-2.6.32-37 to the last version. * Puppet-lint * Add a case for 'kvm' VM doesn't do anything right now, wait for specific (packages, config, …). ##### Bugfixes * (#11) Add a new fact to get a valid netmask for OpenVZ's virtual interfaces (venet). * (#11) Use the new fact vznetmask_venet0_0 to add the route in interfaces.tail file. --------------------------------------- ### 0.2.1 - 2015/02/03 ##### Features * Manage the main OpenVZ's configuration file (/etc/vz/vz.conf). * Add vz service management. ##### Changes * The network management for an OpenVZ CT now works for all Debian family and not only Debian >=7. * Modification in OpenVZ's configuration file notify the 'vz' service. * Set an option to manage iptables modules in OpenVZ configuration. * Correct puppet-lint warnings. --------------------------------------- ### 0.2.0 - 2015/01/27 #### Summary This release introduce a new subclasse for OpenVZ CT (network management): include proxmox::vm It's also provide a array of kernel modules added at the boot start. ##### Features * (#2) Add an array and a file to load additionnal modules. * (#9) Add a puppetlabs-firewall rule. * (#3) Add a new class and subclass: proxmox::vm::openvz to manage OpenVZ CT. * (#3) Add a new fact to calculate venet's network with /24 instead of /32.) * Add many modules (mainly for iptables) to load at startup (sea README.md). ##### Bugfixes * Correct module's dependencies. * Run the proxmox::hypervisor::group only if PVE is installed. ##### Changes * README.md: Add examples, a table of contents, information about proxmox::vm::openvz (#3). * Correct indentation, double quote, ... --------------------------------------- ### 0.1.0 - 2015/01/15 This release introduce new defined types: proxmox::hypervisor::group { 'sysadmin': role => 'Administrator', users => [ 'root@pam', 'test@pve' ], } proxmox::hypervisor::user { 'toto@pve': group => 'sysadmin', } And also directly jump to 0.1.0, the module allow to manage a simple Proxmox hypervisor right now. ##### Changes * Add a variable to choose to keep PVE enterprise repo for the subscribers. * (#4) Add an access control list for PveProxy. * (#4) Add a new class to manage Proxmox's service (proxmox::hypervisor::service). * (#6) Add a new defined type to manage groups for PVE WebGUI. * (#7) Add a new defined type to manage users for PVE WebGUI. * Update the README.md file for (#6) group and (#7) user defined types. * Add a test for (#6) group and (#7) user defined types. --------------------------------------- ### 0.0.2 - 2015/01/08 New functionality release, Proxmox installation now working :) ##### Changes * (#1) Possibility to choose between newer kernel that only supports KVM or a ~2.6.32 that supports both KVM and OpenVZ. * (#1) Install the Virtual Environment and it's works with 2 puppet run. * Add new test (hypervisor_kvm_only). * Add a fact to check if Proxmox is "available". * Add a new class: proxmox::hypervisor::config for some tiny configurations. * Remove the subscription message in the web gui. * Add operatingsystem_support information in the metadata.json (to correct the error in Metadata Quality). * Correct wtfpl into WTFPL to be recognized by SPDX (Metadata Quality). * Correct indentation, double quote, ... --------------------------------------- ### 0.0.1 - 2015/01/07 Initial release. ##### Changes * Only prepare the system for Proxmox installation (proxmox::hypervisor::preconfig)