# == Class: proxmox::hypervisor::cluster # # Manage the Proxmox cluster. # class proxmox::hypervisor::cluster { File { owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, } Exec { path => [ '/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ], logoutput => 'on_failure', } if $::is_proxmox == 'true' and $proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_master_ip != undef and $proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_name != undef { # Ensure the root user got an ssh-key exec { 'create ssh-key for root': command => 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -b 2048 -N "" -q', creates => '/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', } # Test if this node should be the master or a node ## has_interface_with needs double quoted string for the argument ! if has_interface_with('ipaddress', "${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_master_ip}") { # Create the cluster on this node exec { "Create ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_name} cluster on ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_master_ip}": command => "pvecm create ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_name}", onlyif => 'uname -r | grep -- "-pve"', creates => '/etc/pve/cluster.conf', } } else { # Connect this node to the cluster exec { "Connect to ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_name} cluster": command => "pvecm add ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_master_ip}", onlyif => 'uname -r | grep -- "-pve"', creates => '/etc/pve/cluster.conf', } } } #notify { "Master IP: ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_master_ip} and Cluster name: ${proxmox::hypervisor::cluster_name}": } } # Private class: proxmox::hypervisor::cluster