Mainly used by the `proxmox::hypervisor::group` defined type to create the group, permissions and also create/add the users to a group. Because to add a user to a group via this defined type, the group should already exist.
*`ve_pkg_ensure`: What to set the Virtual Environnment package to. Can be 'present', 'absent' or 'version'. Defaults to 'present'.
*`ve_pkg_name`: The list of VirtualEnvironnment packages. Can be an array [ 'proxmox-ve-2.6.32', 'ksm-control-daemon', 'vzprocps', 'open-iscsi', 'bootlogd', 'pve-firmware' ].
*`kvm_only`: If set to 'true', Puppet will install a newer kernel compatible only with KVM. Accepts 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'false'.
*`kernel_kvm_pkg_name`: The list of packages to install the newer kernel. Can be an array [ 'pve-kernel-3.10.0-5-pve', '...' ].
*`kernel_pkg_name`: The list of packages to install a kernel compatible with both KVM and OpenVZ. Can be an array [ 'pve-kernel-2.6.32-34-pve', '...' ].
*`rec_pkg_name`: The list of recommended and usefull packages for Proxmox. Can be an array [ 'ntp', 'ssh', 'lvm2', 'bridge-utils' ].
*`old_pkg_ensure`: What to set useless packages (non recommended, previous kernel, ...). Can be 'present' or 'absent'. Defaults to 'absent'.
*`old_pkg_name`: The list of useless packages. Can be an array [ 'acpid', 'linux-image-amd64', 'linux-base', 'linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64' ].
*`pveproxy_default_path`: Path of the configuration file read by the PveProxy service. Defaults to '/etc/default/pveproxy'.
*`pveproxy_default_content`: Template file use to generate the previous configuration file. Default to 'proxmox/hypervisor/pveproxy_default.erb'.
*`pveproxy_allow`: Can be ip addresses, range or network; separated by a comma (example: ','). Defaults to ''.
*`pveproxy_deny`: Unauthorized IP addresses. Can be 'all' or ip addresses, range or network; separated by a comma. Defaults to 'all'.
*`pveproxy_policy`: The policy access. Can be 'allow' or 'deny'. Defaults to 'deny'.
*`pve_modules_file_content`: Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Defaults to 'proxmox/hypervisor/proxmox_modules.conf.erb'.
#### proxmox::vm
*`vm_interfaces_path`: The main network configuration's file. Defaults to '/etc/network/interfaces'.
*`vm_interfaces_content`: Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Defaults to 'proxmox/vm/openvz_interfaces.erb'.
*`vm_interfaces_tail_path`: A second network configuration file that will be concatenated in the main. Defaults to '/etc/network/interfaces.tail'.
*`vm_interfaces_tail_content`: Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Defaults to 'proxmox/vm/openzv_interfaces.tail.erb'.
*`network_service_name`: Network's service name. Defaults to 'networking'.
*`network_service_manage`: If set to 'true', Puppet will manage the network's service. Can be 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.
*`network_service_enabled`: If set to 'true', Puppet will ensure the network's service is running. Can be 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.