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# == Define: ipmi::ressource::channel
# Manage channel's configuration
# === Parameters
# [*channel_id*]
# _default_: +$title+, the title/name of the ressource
# Is the channel identifier.
# [*ipaddr*]
# _default_: +
# The ip address to allow remote access from lan.
# [*netmask*]
# _default_: +
# The netmask associated to the previous ip address.
# [*remote_access*]
# _default_: +on+
# Allow remote access from lan (+on+) or disable it (+off+).
define ipmi::ressource::channel ( $channel_id = $title, $ipaddr = '', $netmask = '', $remote_access = 'on' ) {
Exec {
path => ['/bin','/sbin','/usr/bin','/usr/sbin'],
logoutput => 'on_failure',
# Set IP Address
exec { "IPMI set IP ${ipaddr}":
command => "ipmitool -I open lan set ${channel_id} ipaddr ${ipaddr}",
unless => "ipmitool -I open lan print ${channel_id} | grep '^IP .* ${ipaddr}'",
# Set Netmask
exec { "IPMI set MASK ${netmask}":
command => "ipmitool -I open lan set ${channel_id} netmask ${netmask}",
unless => "ipmitool -I open lan print ${channel_id} | grep 'Mask .* ${netmask}'",
# Enable remote access
exec { "IPMI set remote access to ${remote_access} for channel ${channel_id}":
command => "ipmitool -I open lan set ${channel_id} access ${remote_access}",
onlyif => "ipmitool -I open channel info ${channel_id} | grep -i 'Access Mode .* disable'",
} # Public ressource: ipmi::ressource::channel