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# == Define: ipmi::ressource::user
# Manage IPMI's user
# === Parameters
# [*user*]
# _default_: +$title+, the title/name of the ressource/user
# The username.
# [*password*]
# _default_: +undef+
# The user's password.
# [*user_id*]
# _default_: +2+
# The user ID. This defined type don't create a new user.
# [*channel_id*]
# _default_: +1+
# The channel ID. On most BMC, the main channel (with lan) is the first one.
# [*state*]
# _default_: +enable+
# Ensure this user is +enable+ or +disable+.
define ipmi::ressource::user ( $user = $title, $password, $user_id = '2', $channel_id = '1', $state = 'enable' ) {
Exec {
path => ['/bin','/sbin','/usr/bin','/usr/sbin'],
logoutput => 'on_failure',
# Rename the user with the $user_id
exec { "Rename IPMI UserID ${user_id} to ${user}":
command => "ipmitool user set name ${user_id} ${name}",
unless => "ipmitool user list ${channel_id} | grep ${user} | grep ${user_id}",
# Change the password
exec { "IPMI ${user} password":
command => "ipmitool user set password ${user_id} ${password}",
unless => "ipmitool user test ${user_id} 16 ${password}",
notify => Exec["Enable IPMI user ${user}"],
# Enable the IPMI's user
exec { "Enable IPMI user ${user}":
command => "ipmitool user ${state} ${user_id}",
refreshonly => true,
} # Public ressource: ipmi::ressource::user