# == Class: dynmotd::install # # Create directory and install scripts to provide a Dynamic Motd # class dynmotd::install { File { owner => root, group => root, mode => 0755, } # Dynamic Motd folder and scripts file { $dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path: ensure => directory, } -> file { "${dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path}/${dynmotd::system_info_script_name}": ensure => present, content => template($dynmotd::system_info_script_content), } -> file { "${dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path}/${dynmotd::user_info_script_name}": ensure => present, content => template($dynmotd::user_info_script_content), } -> file { "${dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path}/${dynmotd::auth_info_script_name}": ensure => present, content => template($dynmotd::auth_info_script_content), } -> file { "${dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path}/${dynmotd::fs_info_script_name}": ensure => present, content => template($dynmotd::fs_info_script_content), } -> file { "${dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path}/${dynmotd::ceph_info_script_name}": ensure => present, content => template($dynmotd::ceph_info_script_content), } -> file { "${dynmotd::update_motd_dir_path}/${dynmotd::service_info_script_name}": ensure => present, content => template($dynmotd::service_info_script_content), } # Static Motd file { $dynmotd::static_motd_path: ensure => present, mode => '0644', content => template($dynmotd::static_motd_content), } } # Private class: dynmotd::install