diff --git a/zshrc b/zshrc
index ea44ae0..e780a44 100644
--- a/zshrc
+++ b/zshrc
@@ -2287,6 +2287,36 @@ function v() {
 	## }}}
 # }}}
+# vv - fuzzy open file with vi and stay to current directory {{{
+# Search with fd (fdfind is perfect to search more than ~200k files)
+# Check for symlinked files too
+# Allow to give arguments to prefill fzf request
+# Display the 50 first lines of the selected file with bat (batcat)
+# Move to the directory of the selected file
+# Open the selected file with vi
+function vv() {
+	local files
+	local file
+	## Manage argument {{{
+	if [ "${#}" -eq "0" ]; then
+		## Default command without args
+		files=$(fd --hidden --no-ignore --exclude .git/ --type file --type symlink --follow | fzf --prompt='vi> ' --preview 'bat --color=always --theme="OneHalfLight" --line-range 0:50 {}' --no-multi) &&
+	else
+		## If at least one argument was given, add it to fzf query
+		files=$(fd --hidden --no-ignore --exclude .git/ --type file --type symlink --follow | fzf --prompt='vi> ' --preview 'bat --color=always --theme="OneHalfLight"--line-range 0:50 {}' --no-multi --query "${*} ") &&
+	fi
+	## }}}
+	## Move to the directory and open the file {{{
+	if [[ -n "${files}" ]]
+	then
+		file="${files}"
+		vi -- "${file}"
+	fi
+	## }}}
+# }}}
 # fssh - fuzzy ssh {{{
 # Ensure to have __fzf_list_hosts FZF function {{{