*vundle.txt* Vundle the plug-in manager for Vim. *vundle* CONTENTS ~ *vundle-contents* =========================================================================== 1. About |vundle-about| 2. Why Vundle |vundle-why-vundle| 3. Quick start |vundle-quickstart| 4. Scripts |vundle-scripts| 4.1. Configure scripts |vundle-scripts-configure| 4.2. Installing scripts |vundle-scripts-install| 4.3. Updating scripts |vundle-scripts-update| 4.4. Searching scripts |vundle-scripts-search| 4.5. Listing scripts |vundle-scripts-list| 4.6. Cleanup |vundle-scripts-cleanup| 5. Interactive mode |vundle-interactive| 6. Key mappings |vundle-keymappings| 7. Options |vundle-options| =========================================================================== ABOUT *vundle-about* Vundle is a short cut for Vim bundle and is the Vim plug-in manager. 2. WHY VUNDLE ~ *vundle-why-vundle* Vundle allows to: - keep track and configure your scripts right in `.vimrc` - install configured scripts (aka bundle) - update configured scripts - search [all available vim scripts] by name - clean up from unused scripts Also *Vundle* : - manages runtime path of your installed scripts - regenerates helptags automatically Vundle takes advantage of [vim-scripts.org](http://vim-scripts.org) in order to install/search [all available vim scripts] 3. QUICK START ~ *vundle-quickstart* 1) Setup Vundle: > git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle 2) Configure bundles: Sample `.vimrc`: > set nocompatible " be iMproved filetype off " required! set rtp+=~/.vim/vundle.git/ call vundle#rc() " let Vundle manage Vundle Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' " My Bundles here: " " original repos on github Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion' Bundle 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} " vim-scripts repos Bundle 'L9' Bundle 'FuzzyFinder' Bundle 'rails.vim' " non github repos Bundle 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git' " git repos on your local machine (ie. when working on your own plugin) Bundle 'file:///Users/gmarik/path/to/plugin' " ... filetype plugin indent on " required! " or " filetype plugin on " to not use the indentation settings set by plugins 3) Install configured bundles: Launch `vim`, run > :BundleInstall Installing requires [Git] and triggers [Git clone](http://gitref.org/creating/#clone) for each configured repo to `~/.vim/bundle/`. 4. SCRIPTS ~ *vundle-scripts* 4.1 CONFIGURE SCRIPTS ~ *vundle-scripts-configure* *Bundle* Before installing scripts they need to be configured. It's done using `Bundle` command in `.vimrc`: > Bundle 'git_repo_uri' " 'git_repo_uri' should be a valid uri to git repository or > Bundle 'script_name' " 'script-name' should be an official script name (see |vundle-scripts-search| ) Vundle loves Github, that's why short uris can be used with commands: > Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' equals full uri > Bundle 'http://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git' NOTE: Vundle defaults to http:// protocol for the short URIs 4.2 INSTALL SCRIPTS ~ *vundle-scripts-install* *BundleInstall* run > :BundleInstall installs configured scripts. Newly installed scripts will be automatically enabled. Except special cases requiring compilation or pre-configuration. BundleInstall allows to install scripts by name:> :BundleInstall unite.vim installs and activates unite.vim. You can use Tab to auto-complete known script names. NOTE: installation, as just described, doesn't automatically configure scripts; you have to configure them manually. 4.3 UPDATE SCRIPTS ~ *vundle-scripts-update* *BundleInstall!* run > :BundleInstall! " NOTE: bang(!) installs or updates configured scripts. press u after updates complete to see the changelog of all updated bundles. 4.4 SEARCHING ~ *vundle-scripts-search* *BundleSearch* run > :BundleSearch foo lists bundles matching 'foo' in new a new split window, ie: > Bundle "VimFootnotes" Bundle "foo.vim" > and > :BundleSearch! foo refreshes script list before performing actual search. If command is run without argument: > :BundleSearch! it will display all known scripts Searching requires [`curl`](http://curl.haxx.se/) 4.5 LISTING BUNDLES ~ *vundle-scripts-list* *BundleList* To quickly pull list of installed bundles use > :BundleList 4.6 CLEANING UP ~ *vundle-scripts-cleanup* *BundleClean* run > :BundleClean confirms removal of unused script-dirs from `.vim/bundle/`. *BundleClean!* > :BundleClean! removes unused dirs with no questions. *vundle-interactive* 5. INTERACTIVE MODE ~ Vundle provides simple interactive mode to help you explore new scripts easily. Interactive mode is available as result of any commands that display list of bundles. For instance, running: > :BundleSearch! unite triggers search for scripts matching 'unite' and yields a split window with content: > "Keymap: i - Install bundle; c - Cleanup; r - Refine list; R - Reload list "Search results for: unite Bundle 'unite.vim' Bundle 'unite-yarm' Bundle 'unite-gem' Bundle 'unite-locate' Bundle 'unite-font' Bundle 'unite-colorscheme' As the first line(starting with `"Keymap:`) shows, certain actions may be applied to selected bundles . Move cursor over line `Bundle 'unite.vim'` and press i key(install, see |vundle-keymappings| for more details). After unite.vim is installed - `:Unite file` command should be available to prove 'unite.vim' availability. NOTE: Interactive installation doesn't update your .vimrc configuration. *vundle-keymappings* 6. KEY MAPPINGS ~ KEY | DESCRIPTION ----|-------------------------- > i | run :BundleInstall with name taken from line cursor is positioned on I | same as i, but runs :BundleInstall! to update bundle D | delete selected bundle( be careful not to remove local modifications) c | run :BundleClean s | run :BundleSearch R | fetch fresh script list from server . *vundle-options* 7. OPTIONS ~ > let g:vundle_default_git_proto = 'git' makes Vundle use `git` instead default `https` when building absolute repo URIs vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: