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# Purpose {{{
# This script will :
# 1. If no gpg-key is in cache.
# a. Run a terminal with a tmux splits (at least a split to enter gpg passphrase).
# b. Wait until timeout.
# c. Check every second if a key is now cached.
# d. Kill dedicated terminal emulator window.
# 2. (When) a gpg-key is finally cached, simply call the "real" rofi-pass.
# 2023-01-12
# }}}
# GPG command to check cache {{{
# 0 : No key in cache
# 1 : At leaste one key in cache
# }}}
gpg_agent_info=$(gpg-connect-agent 'keyinfo --list' /bye 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{CACHED=0} /^S/ {if($7==1){CACHED=1}} END{if($0!=""){print CACHED} else {print "none"}}')
# Terminal emulator and window title
TERM_TITLE="Authentication with tmux"
# Get "real" rofi-pass binary path {{{
if [ -f /bin/rofi-pass ]; then
elif [ -f /usr/bin/rofi-pass ]; then
elif [ -f "${HOME}"/repos/rofi-pass/rofi-pass ]; then
printf '%s' "No rofi-pass binary available"
exit 1
# }}}
# If gpg-agent doesn't have any key in cache
if [ "${gpg_agent_info}" -eq 0 ]; then
## Start a terminal emulator
## Create new tmux splits to ask for gpg passphrase
"${TERM_EMULATOR}" --title "${TERM_TITLE}" -e bash -c 'tmux source-file "${HOME}"/.tmux/splitAUTHENTICATION' &
# Minimum time to enter my passphrases
sleep 5
# Wait until TIMEOUT
while [ "${TIME}" -lt "${TIMEOUT}" ]; do
gpg_agent_info=$(gpg-connect-agent 'keyinfo --list' /bye 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{CACHED=0} /^S/ {if($7==1){CACHED=1}} END{if($0!=""){print CACHED} else {print "none"}}')
## If a gpg key is in cache {{{
if [ "${gpg_agent_info}" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "While loop GPG in cache"
### Leave the loop
## }}}
## Still no key {{{
## Wait a second
TIME=$((TIME + 1))
sleep 1
## }}}
### Kill any remaining window
kill $(pgrep --newest --full "${TERM_TITLE}") 2>/dev/null
## If a gpg key is finally in cache
if [ "${gpg_agent_info}" -eq 1 ]; then
# Then, call real rofi-pass
exit 2
# If gpg-agent already have a key in cache {{{
elif [ "${gpg_agent_info}" -gt 0 ]; then
# Then, call real rofi-pass
else # Not supposed to happen
exit 3
# }}}