#!/bin/sh # Vars ## Define the hard drive to use if [ -b '/dev/sda' ]; then hdd="/dev/sda" else printf '%b\n' "Please check the hard drive to use" exit 0 fi ## Volume Group name to use for LVM vgname="ovhsys" ## If the script should manage the partitions (delete, add,…) manage_part=0 ## Colors definition {{{ BLACK='\033[49;30m' BLACKB='\033[49;90m' RED='\033[0;31m' REDB='\033[1;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' BLUE='\033[94;49m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[36;49m' WHITE='\033[0;37m' BOLD='\033[1m' RESET='\033[0m' ## }}} ## Package to exclude from debootstrap install dbs_pkg_exclude="vim" ## Package to include to debootstrap install dbs_pkg_include="aptitude,bzip2,debconf-i18n,dialog,dmsetup,htop,isc-dhcp-client,isc-dhcp-common,locales,lvm2,openssh-server,pciutils,tmux,vim-nox,wget,zsh" # Partitionning {{{ if [ "${manage_part}" -eq 0 ]; then ## Remove all old partitions for part_number in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do [ -b "${hdd}""${part_number}" ] && parted "${hdd}" rm "${part_number}" done ## Recreate partition (/boot and LV) {{{ ### Partition type parted "${hdd}" mklabel msdos ### /boot parted "${hdd}" mkpart primary 0% 512MB parted "${hdd}" set 1 boot on ### LV parted "${hdd}" mkpart primary 4194kB 100% parted "${hdd}" set 2 lvm on sudo pvcreate "${hdd}"2 sudo vgcreate "${vgname}" "${hdd}"2 fi mkfs.ext3 -F -L boot -- "${hdd}"1 ## }}} ## Create Logical Volumes {{{ [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-home ] && lvcreate -n home -L 20g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-opt ] && lvcreate -n opt -L 2g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-root ] && lvcreate -n root -L 5g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-srv ] && lvcreate -n srv -L 2g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-tmp ] && lvcreate -n tmp -L 10g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-usr ] && lvcreate -n usr -L 15g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-var ] && lvcreate -n var -L 10g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-vz ] && lvcreate -n vz -L 150g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-bkp ] && lvcreate -n bkp -L 150g "${vgname}" [ ! -b /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-swap ] && lvcreate -n swap -L 2g "${vgname}" ### Format the LV in ext4 cd -- /dev/"${vgname}" || exit 1 for lvname in *; do mkfs.ext4 -F -L "${lvname}" -- "${lvname}" done cd -- - || exit 1 ### And format the swap mkswap -L sw01 -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-swap ## }}} # }}} # Debootstrap {{{ ## Create and mount the system {{{ ### Root mkdir -p -- /target mountpoint -q /target || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-root /target ### boot - grub mkdir -p -- /target/boot mountpoint -q /target/boot || mount -- ${hdd}1 /target/boot ### home LV mkdir -p -- /target/home mountpoint -q /target/home || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-home /target/home ### opt LV mkdir -p -- /target/opt mountpoint -q /target/opt || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-opt /target/opt ### srv LV mkdir -p -- /target/srv mountpoint -q /target/srv || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-srv /target/srv #### bkp LV mkdir -p -- /target/srv/backup mountpoint -q /target/srv/backup || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-bkp /target/srv/backup ### tmp LV mkdir -p -- /target/tmp mountpoint -q /target/tmp || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-tmp /target/tmp ### usr LV mkdir -p -- /target/usr mountpoint -q /target/usr || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-usr /target/usr ### var LV mkdir -p -- /target/var mountpoint -q /target/var || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-var /target/var #### vz LV mkdir -p -- /target/var/lib/vz mountpoint -q /target/var/lib/vz || mount -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-vz /target/var/lib/vz ### Swap swapon -- /dev/mapper/"${vgname}"-swap ### System mkdir -p -- /target/dev/pts mountpoint -q /target/dev/pts || mount -o bind -- /dev/pts /target/dev/pts mkdir -p -- /target/proc mountpoint -q /target/proc || mount -t proc -- proc /target/proc mkdir -p -- /target/sys mountpoint -q /target/sys || mount -o bind -- /sys /target/sys ## }}} ## Run debootstrap debootstrap --arch amd64 --include="${dbs_pkg_include}" --exclude="${dbs_pkg_exclude}" stretch /target http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian # }}} # Configure system {{{ ## Create the disk/partitions (eg. /dev/sda, /dev/sda1,…) on the target system {{{ ### Create the disk [ -b /target"${hdd}" ] || mknod --mode=660 /target"${hdd}" b 8 0 ### Count the number of partitions on the rescue system nb_part=$(ls -l -- "${hdd}"? | wc -l) part=1 ### Start at 1 and less/equal $nb_part while [ "${part}" -le "${nb_part}" ]; do #### Create the partitions on the target system [ -b /target"${hdd}${part}" ] || mknod --mode=660 /target"${hdd}${part}" b 8 "${part}" (( part++ )) done ### Fix group of disk/partitions chgrp disk -- /target"${hdd}"* ## }}} ## Create LV inodes {{{ ### Count the number of LV on the rescue system nb_lv=$(ls -l -- /dev/dm-* | wc -l) lv=0 ### Start at 0 and less than $nb_lv cause it start at 0 while [ "${lv}" -lt "${nb_lv}" ]; do #### Create the LV on the target system [ -b /target/dev/dm-"${lv}" ] || mknod --mode=660 /target/dev/dm-"${lv}" b 252 "${lv}" (( lv++ )) done ### Fix group of LV chgrp disk -- /target/dev/dm-* ## }}} ## Create symlinks to LV {{{ ### Get the list of all LV tmp_list_lv="/tmp/lv.rescue.list" find /dev/"${vgname}" -maxdepth 1 -type l -printf "%f\\n" > "${tmp_list_lv}" ### Create Volume Group and mapper directories mkdir -p -- /target/dev/"${vgname}" mkdir -p -- /target/dev/mapper ### For each LV while IFS= read -r LV_NAME do #### Create symlink in Volume Group directory on the target system (eg. /dev/mapper/ovhsys/home -> ../dm-0) [ -L /target/dev/"${vgname}/${LV_NAME}" ] || ln -fs -- $(readlink /dev/"${vgname}/${LV_NAME}") /target/dev/"${vgname}/${LV_NAME}" #### Create symlink in mapper directory on the target system (eg. /dev/mapper/mapper/ovhsys-home -> ../dm-0) [ -L /target/dev/mapper/"${vgname}-${LV_NAME}" ] || ln -fs -- $(readlink /dev/"${vgname}/${LV_NAME}") /target/dev/mapper/"${vgname}-${LV_NAME}" done < "${tmp_list_lv}" rm -f -- "${tmp_list_lv}" ## }}} ## Fstab {{{ ### Use the current mtab content as default fstab file for the target system grep target /etc/mtab > /target/etc/fstab ### Ensure to enable swap grep swap /target/etc/fstab || echo "/dev/mapper/${vgname}-swap swap swap sw,pri=0 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab ### Add extra tmpfs mount point grep devtmpfs /target/etc/fstab || echo "udev /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=10240k,nr_inodes=2051120,mode=755 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab grep "/run " /target/etc/fstab || echo "tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,size=15M,mode=755 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab grep "/run/lock" /target/etc/fstab || echo "tmpfs /run/lock tmpfs rw,size=5120k 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab grep "/run/shm" /target/etc/fstab || echo "tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs rw,nodev,size=100M 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab grep "/var/tmp" /target/etc/fstab || echo "/tmp /var/tmp none rw,bind,size=1M,mode=1777 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab ### Remove all occurrences to /target sed -i 's;/target;;g' /target/etc/fstab ## }}} ## Network {{{ net_device=$(ip r | grep "^default" | head -1 | cut -d" " -f5) net_address=$(ip r | grep -vE "(^default|metric)" | grep "${net_device}.*src" | head -1 | awk -F" " '{print $NF}') net_netmask=$(ipcalc "${net_address}" | awk '/Netmask:/{print $2;}') net_broadcast=$(ip a s dev "${net_device}" | awk '/inet.*brd/{print $4}') net_network=$(ip r | grep -vE "(^default|metric)" | grep "src ${net_address}" | head -1 | cut -d"/" -f1) net_gateway=$(ip r | grep "^default" | head -1 | cut -d" " -f3) printf '%b' "auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto ${net_device} iface ${net_device} inet static address ${net_address} netmask ${net_netmask} network ${net_network} broadcast ${net_broadcast} gateway ${net_gateway} # FDN DNS - https://www.fdn.fr/actions/dns/ dns-nameserver dns-nameserver source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d" > /target/etc/network/interfaces ## }}} ## Locale {{{ ### Enable locale(s) sed -i 's/^# \(en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\)/\1/' /target/etc/locale.gen #sed -i 's/^# \(fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8\)/\1/' /target/etc/locale.gen chroot /target locale-gen ## }}} ## Timezone {{{ ### Set timezone printf '%b\n' "Europe/Paris" > /target/etc/timezone ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /target/etc/localtime chroot /target dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata ## }}} ## Kernel and Grub {{{ chroot /target aptitude install --assume-yes --without-recommends -- linux-image-amd64 grub-pc chroot /target grub-install "${hdd}" chroot /target update-grub ## }}} # }}} # Finish {{{ ## SSH {{{ ### Allow root connections - this should be fixed if it works sed -i 's/\(^\|^\#\)\(PermitRootLogin\).*/\2 yes/g' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ### Add current authorized_keys from the rescue system if present if [ -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ]; then cp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys else printf '%b\\n' "${REDB}You might want to define an authorized key for SSH/root in /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config${RESET}" fi ## }}} printf '%b\\n' "${REDB}Please change the root's password :${RESET}" chroot /target passwd printf '%b\\n' "${GREEN}The system is still available on /target but you can now try to reboot the hardware." exit 0 # }}}