#!/bin/sh PICTURE_DIR="${1}" # New tag to add to the picture NEW_TAG="description" # Temp file to store the list of directories TMP_LIST_DIR="/tmp/list_dir_to_tag" # List directories find "${PICTURE_DIR}" -mindepth 1 -type d > "${TMP_LIST_DIR}" while IFS= read -r DIR do TAG_VALUE=$(basename "${DIR}") printf '%s\n' "Add the tag '${TAG_VALUE}' to all images in ${DIR}" # Add exif tag to all images of the current directory (not subdir) find "${DIR}" -iregex '.*\.\(jpg\|gif\|png\|jpeg\)$' -maxdepth 1 -exec exiftool -overwrite_original -P -"${NEW_TAG}"="${TAG_VALUE}" {} \; done < "${TMP_LIST_DIR}" exit 0