#!/bin/sh # Purpose {{{ ## Create a temp file (to monitor) if an upgrade is available for Self Service Password (SSP) ## project on Github. ## It's based on .deb package installation to check the current version. ## It can also be based on installation from source if the self-service-password's ## root is given as first argument. ## How-to use {{{ ### 1. Needs releasetags script, in the same directory ### cf. https://git.101010.fr/gardouille-dotfiles/scripts/src/branch/master/github/releasetags # wget https://git.101010.fr/gardouille-dotfiles/scripts/raw/branch/master/github/releasetags ### 2. Create a cron job, eg : #00 20 * * * root /opt/repos/gardouille.scripts/github/check_self-service-password_update ### 2-1. Create a cron job with Self Service Password (SSP) directory as first argument, eg : #00 20 * * * root /opt/repos/gardouille.scripts/github/check_self-service-password_update /var/www/self-service-password ### 3. Monitor the temp file : /tmp/.github.self-service-password.upgrade # Or enable MAILTO in cronjob and edit the script to print a message. # Or send a mail. # … ## }}} # }}} # Expect maximum 1 argument {{{ if [ $# -gt 1 ] then cat << HELP check.self-service-password.update -- Compare current version of an installed Self Service Password (SSP) and the last available. EXAMPLE : - Compare the current version installed from .deb file check.self-service-password.update - Compare the current version installed from sources in /var/www/self-service-password check.self-service-password.update /var/www/self-service-password HELP exit 1 fi # }}} # Vars {{{ DEBUG=1 script_wd=$(dirname "${0}") ssp_repo_url="https://github.com/ltb-project/self-service-password" if [ $# -eq 1 ] ## If source directory should be used then ssp_install_dir="${1}" ssp_current_version=$(find "${ssp_install_dir}" -iname index.php -exec grep -- "^\$version" {} \; | cut -d'"' -f2) ssp_new_version=$("${script_wd}"/releasetags "${ssp_repo_url}" | head -n1) else ## If .deb file should be used ssp_current_version=$(dpkg -l self-service-password | awk '/^ii.*self-service-password/ { print $3}' | sed 's/\(.*\)-.*/\1/') ssp_new_version=$("${script_wd}"/releasetags "${ssp_repo_url}" | head -n1 | sed 's/v//g') fi ssp_new_version_file="/tmp/.github.self-service-password.upgrade" # }}} # Check if the current version is the last one {{{ if [ "${ssp_current_version}" != "${ssp_new_version}" ]; then [ "${DEBUG}" -eq "0" ] && printf '\e[1;35m%-6s\e[m\n' "DEBUG : Test version — Current version (${ssp_current_version}) and new one (${ssp_new_version}) seems to be different." ## Create a temp file to monitor touch -- "${ssp_new_version_file}" printf '\e[1;35m%-6s\e[m\n' "An upgrade is available for Self Service Password/SSP (current : ${ssp_current_version}) : ${ssp_new_version}." >> "${ssp_new_version_file}" else [ "${DEBUG}" -eq "0" ] && printf '\e[1;35m%-6s\e[m\n' "DEBUG : Test version — The current version is up-to-date." rm -f -- "${ssp_new_version_file}" fi # }}} exit 0