import time import fcntl, struct, termios from sys import stdout from textual import events, log from textual.widgets import Static from fhost import app as fhost_app class MpvWidget(Static): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mpv = None self.vo = fhost_app.config.get("MOD_PREVIEW_PROTO") if not self.vo in ["sixel", "kitty"]: self.update("⚠ Previews not enabled. \n\nSet MOD_PREVIEW_PROTO to 'sixel' or 'kitty' in,\nwhichever is supported by your terminal.") else: try: import mpv self.mpv = mpv.MPV() self.mpv.profile = "sw-fast" self.mpv["vo"] = self.vo self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-config-clear"] = False self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-alt-screen"] = False self.mpv[f"vo-sixel-buffered"] = True self.mpv["audio"] = False self.mpv["loop-file"] = "inf" self.mpv["image-display-duration"] = 0.5 if self.vo == "sixel" else "inf" except Exception as e: self.mpv = None self.update(f"⚠ Previews require python-mpv with libmpv 0.36.0 or later \n\nError was:\n{type(e).__name__}: {e}") def start_mpv(self, f: str|None = None, pos: float|str|None = None) -> None: self.display = True self.screen._refresh_layout() if self.mpv: if self.content_region.x: r, c, w, h = struct.unpack('hhhh', fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678')) width = int((w / c) * self.content_region.width) height = int((h / r) * (self.content_region.height + (1 if self.vo == "sixel" else 0))) self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-left"] = self.content_region.x + 1 self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-top"] = self.content_region.y + 1 self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-rows"] = self.content_region.height + (1 if self.vo == "sixel" else 0) self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-cols"] = self.content_region.width self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-width"] = width self.mpv[f"vo-{self.vo}-height"] = height if pos != None: self.mpv["start"] = pos if f: self.mpv.loadfile(f) else: self.mpv.playlist_play_index(0) def stop_mpv(self, wait: bool = False) -> None: if self.mpv: if not self.mpv.idle_active: self.mpv.stop(True) if wait: time.sleep(0.1) self.clear_mpv() self.display = False def on_resize(self, size) -> None: if self.mpv: if not self.mpv.idle_active: t = self.mpv.time_pos self.stop_mpv() if t: self.mpv["start"] = t self.start_mpv() def clear_mpv(self) -> None: if self.vo == "kitty": stdout.write("\033_Ga=d;\033\\") stdout.flush() def shutdown(self) -> None: if self.mpv: self.mpv.stop() del self.mpv if self.vo == "kitty": stdout.write("\033_Ga=d;\033\\\033[?25l") stdout.flush()