file hosting and URL shortening service.
HTTP POST files here:
curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' {{ fhost_url }}
You can also POST remote URLs:
curl -F'url=http://example.com/image.jpg' {{ fhost_url }}
If you don't want the resulting URL to be easy to guess:
curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fsecret= {{ fhost_url }}
curl -F'url=http://example.com/image.jpg' -Fsecret= {{ fhost_url }}
Or you can shorten URLs:
curl -F'shorten=http://example.com/some/long/url' {{ fhost_url }}
It is possible to append your own file name to the URL:
{{ fhost_url }}/aaa.jpg/image.jpeg
File URLs are valid for at least 30 days and up to a year (see below).
Shortened URLs do not expire.
Files can be set to expire sooner by adding an "expires" parameter (in hours)
curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fexpires=24 {{ fhost_url }}
OR by setting "expires" to a timestamp in epoch milliseconds
curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fexpires=1681996320000 {{ fhost_url }}
Expired files won't be removed immediately, but will be removed as part of
the next purge.
Whenever a file that does not already exist or has expired is uploaded,
the HTTP response header includes an X-Token field. You can use this
to perform management operations on the file.
To delete the file immediately:
curl -Ftoken=token_here -Fdelete= {{ fhost_url }}/abc.txt
To change the expiration date (see above):
curl -Ftoken=token_here -Fexpires=3 {{ fhost_url }}/abc.txt
Maximum file size: {{ max_size }}
Not allowed: {{ config["FHOST_MIME_BLACKLIST"]|join(", ") }}
please do not post any informations that
may violate law (login/password lists, email lists, personal information).
envs.sh is NOT a platform for:
- child pornography
- malware, including “potentially unwanted applications”
- botnet command and control schemes involving this service
- anything even remotely related to crypto currencies
- hosting your backups
- spamming the service with CI build artifacts
- piracy
- alt-right shitposting
there is only one thing you need to use this service - curl.
curl is available on most platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
to make your life easier, you can add aliases to your .bash_aliases
on Linux
and .bash_profile
on Mac OS X. just remember to reset your terminal session after that.
0file() { curl -F"file=@$1" {0} ; }
0pb() { curl -F"file=@-;" {{ fhost_url }} ; }
0url() { curl -F"url=$1" {{ fhost_url }} ; }
0short() { curl -F"shorten=$1" {{ fhost_url }} ; }
now you can use:
0file "yourfile.png"
# or
echo "text here" | 0pb
retention = min_age + (-max_age + min_age) * pow((file_size / max_size - 1), 3)
{{'{: 6}'.format(config.get("FHOST_MAX_EXPIRATION", 31536000000)//86400000)}} | \
| \
| \
| \
| \
| \
| ..
| \
{{'{: 6.1f}'.format((config.get("FHOST_MIN_EXPIRATION", 2592000000)/2 + config.get("FHOST_MAX_EXPIRATION", 31536000000)/2)/86400000)}} | ----------..-------------------------------------------
| ..
| \
| ..
| ...
| ..
| ...
| ....
| ......
{{'{: 6}'.format(config.get("FHOST_MIN_EXPIRATION", 2592000000)//86400000)}} | ....................
0{{ ((config["MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH"]/2)|filesizeformat(True)).split(" ")[0].rjust(27) }}{{ max_size.split(" ")[0].rjust(27) }}
{{ max_size.split(" ")[1].rjust(54) }}
if you would like to request permanent deletion, please
send an email to hostmaster@envs.net.
please allow up to 24 hours for a response.